Sunday, January 22, 2012

There's an App for That?

When I was invited to a surprise retirement party for a dear friend from AT&T, I naturally agreed to make cupcakes for the event.  But what to make? This wonderful woman dedicated almost 23 years to AT&T and the wireless industry, they needed to reflect her amazing career.  So many things have changed in the world of wireless since Darlene joined AT&T, I thought the biggest game changer of all was an appropriate way to honor her, the iPhone!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thomas the Train

Well, I've never really done a lot with cakes, I seem to prefer my cake in a cup, hehe.  But I had a request for a Thomas the Train cake, specifically chocolate cake with oreo frosting.  Happy to make the flavor combination, I actually like how the oreos look speckled in the green, looks more like real grass or dirt.  Fearing the cake would not be enough cake for the party I added a batch of cupcakes wishing the birthday boy a happy birthday and giving the kids some fun Thomas the Train whistles to enjoy at the party!  Happy Birthday Connor, I hope its a great day!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pit Stop!

The gang from Cars 2 is making a pit stop to help a special little boy celebrate his Birthday.  I hope these cupcakes make his day a victory.  Happy Birthday Bryce.